
About Blake

Growing up, I loved stories. In high school, a friend named Frankie inspired me to take it to the next level by creating one of my own. In 2008, taking the train back from an internship at Lockheed-Martin, I got the idea that was the seed for my Anterra series. I finished my Masters in Aerospace Engineering with the series outlined and the first few chapters complete. When I finally thought it was done, I reworked a lot of it. Then, with some constructive criticism, I rewrote almost the entire thing… I did that at least one or two more times… It was painful. Thankfully, I have finally forged this into something that I’m truly proud of. It’s time to share it with the world.

When I’m not working on this series, I’m either working on software that processes satellite data for solar and atmospheric science; working in the shop making items with a CNC milling center; or studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and pro wrestling.