
Aether is an energy that allows direct interaction with fundamental forces of the world. Aether exists primarily in a set of higher dimensions that overlay the normal dimensions entirely. With an essence, Aether can be brought into the normal dimensions and harnessed for a brief period. An essence can only interact with Aether types associated with its cast. An essence is limited by two variables, its Aetheratin and Aethersotto. Aetheratin akin to storage, while Aethersotto akin to how quickly Aether can be used.

The main uses of Aether are:

Fundamental Aether

Aether related to the direct use of one’s essence. This is not cast specific and can be used by anyone.

Pahzan Aether

Aether related to energy transfer.

Moltrik Aether

Aether related to electricity and magnetism.

Icor Aether

Aether related to living material.

Nesiv Aether

Aether related to spacetime.

Ru Aether

Aether related to the strong force.

Biat Aether

Aether related to the manipulation of essence.