
Anterra is filled with numerous different races and cultures. Some of the races vary drastically, while others are very similar.


Borukins are large and darker in skin color. They have a very low Aetheratin but a very high Aethersotto. They are one of the few races that aren’t tied to a specific set of Aether casts. They are skilled builders and artisans. Their culture is dedicated to a perfecting skills in Aether use.


Humans have no inherent Aether abilities except for being able to absorb essence directly. Their Aether cast and relative Aetheratin/Aethersotto (Riner Ratio) are determined by the first essence they absorb. Their Aether abilities will grow proportionally to the amount of essence they absorb.


Erohsians are small and pale skined. They have a basic ability with Moltrik Aether. This slight ability unfortunately makes them very susceptible to Moltrik Aether attacks. They are highly organized and intelligent.


An Ethnohap is a xenophobic race that has a highly specialized set of skills. They do not speak Anterren standard. There are numerous different Ethnohap races across Anterra that are definied by their specific skill and living environment. They can live anywhere from the bottom of the ocean to the deep jungle and mountains.